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In a world where brands compete for our attention and loyalty, the way they communicate is crucial. Authenticity is key – as is striking the right tone. Your brand’s voice reveals essential insights into your values and trustworthiness, allowing audiences to decide whether they connect and feel aligned with your beliefs.

To establish effective communication, brands must perfect the balance of what they say with how they say it. You need a strong, clear, and consistent verbal identity that resonates with your audience, and sets you apart from the crowd. Why?

• Build trust: consistency in messaging builds familiarity, creating a bond between the brand and its audience. When a brand speaks with authenticity and integrity, it becomes a trustworthy companion, one we willingly invite into our lives.

• Have identity: amidst the sea of choices we encounter daily, brands must find a way to capture attention and leave a lasting impression. Your verbal identity acts as a beacon, guiding overwhelmed decision-makers towards your brand/product/service. The right words, conveyed consistently, cut through the noise, and resonate with the target audience, forging meaningful connections along the way.

• Bring clarity: a strong tone of voice document brings clarity to your brand and has the power to even transform how you communicate internally as well as externally. Each individual that works for your brand becomes a better writer – from sensitive news and concise internal emails to customer-facing communications. The impact of well-crafted language is long lasting.

Great copywriting – in all its glorious guises – simply makes a difference. From naming your brand and developing a memorable strapline, to your ‘out-and-about’ ad language, online social presence and B2B/B2C messaging, your words represent your brand’s identity, and everything you stand for. Get in touch if you need help finding your voice.